Get the proven plan to accelerate demand for your consulting services, attract serious buyers with budgets and become a highly sought-after advisor in your market…without burning out

The last two years were defined by challenges and unpredictability. But it also brought a tremendous gift for consulting business owners.

It forced us to recognize that a new way of doing business was in order. The unexpected obstacles gave rise to new ways of sharing our expertise with the world. Leveraging LinkedIn and other online channels became the norm.

Lockdowns have ended but we now face a whole new set of challenges: geopolitical conflict, rising inflation, an energy crisis and as a result, changing customer needs.

To be noticed and attract serious business and corporate buyers, consultants are asking:

How do you communicate the true value of your offerings in this new economic climate without reducing your fees?Now that travel is back, how do you find the time to create consistent, valuable content while grappling with deadline-driven client engagements?How do you stand out in a noisy market saturated with content and make buyers WANT to work with you instead of endless chasing, follow ups and ghosting?How do you have more conversations with decision-makers with 6 and 7-fig budgets instead of having “virtual coffee chats” with people with no buying authority?

My name is Faheem Moosa I have spent over 14 years mastering these methods in my management consulting business and career – serving 150+ clients from small, medium and large, Fortune 100 organizations in the midst of TWO recessions.

What I’ve learned is that the tools of marketing and sales ALWAYS change but principles rarely do.

As a trusted advisor you need a way for buyers to notice you and want to work with you. Nobody wants to be advised by someone who desperately chases them.

You need to create DEMAND for your services and have ideal buyers come to you.

When your ideal buyers come to you, you don’t need to:

Reduce your feesFeel like you’re not in controlSend endless proposals and follow-upsWaste time chasing low-quality “leads”Wonder how you’ll land your next client

As we enter a new world in 2023, creating demand for YOU and your solutions is more relevant than ever. Because being in demand is the ultimate competitive advantage.

I have helped my clients create demand, attract dream clients and land $100k, $200k and even 350k+ consulting engagements within 6 months. It’s that effective.

Give me 3 hours of your time over three days and I’ll not only show you exactly how they did it but also help you map out your plan to accelerate demand for YOUR services.

This value-packed bootcamp is going to show you how to take all of that hidden knowledge inside your head you’ve accumulated for years and package and present it as valuable content for your audience.

Your ideal clients will notice you, like you and trust you. That’s when they will be drawn to you.

I break down the simple demand creation system I developed specifically for busy management consulting business owners.

This is for you if:

You’re an independent consultant or boutique firm owner who sells consulting or advisory services (strategy, leadership, HR, operations, IT, communications, etc.) to organizations large and small.You are outstanding at solving problems for your clients but don’t have an efficient marketing system in place to attract new clients.You want a simple, effective marketing and demand creation method with messaging that’s relevant to your audience in 2023.You want to make a deeper, bigger impact in your industry and fulfill your true potential.

Creating and Accelerating Demand for your Consulting Business is an Effective Way to Drive New Revenue Using Your Greatest Asset – Your Domain Knowledge and Expertise(It Won’t Even Feel like Marketing).

I discovered this principle in 2011 when I started creating demand for my consulting business. Back in the day I used speaking engagements at chambers of commerce, and industry associations to build an audience and create demand.

Then I used the same formula and moved to blogging, podcasting, and eventually LinkedIn in 2019, making incredible connections along the way, some of whom turned into clients.

Same principle, different channels. It works.

It’s entirely possible to go from quality content to DEMAND to 6-figure consulting deals from small, mid-sized, and large organizations…within just a few months.

But you’ve got to do it right.

Over the course of 3 days, I’m going to share the exact formula I use to create and accelerate demand for my business with ease…

Here’s the breakdown:

You will learn how to create a rock-solid foundational narrative that your buyers will find irresistible.You will learn exactly what to write or say that pulls readers into your world. Based on the principles of persuasion and psychology, this is a skill you can use over and over again in your business.Through hot seats, live coaching, and Q&As, you will learn how to sharpen and build your narrative during the Bootcamp.I will divulge common mistakes that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost sales.You will get the exact, step-by-step formula to turn your narrative into content you can use to generate demand on LinkedIn and other social media.You will learn from others that have overcome challenges while generating demand and attracted multiple 6-figure consulting deals.You will learn how to ramp up your presence on LinkedIn and other platforms so consulting buyers notice you, engage with your content and visit your profile.You will learn to create 100 consulting content pieces in 60 mins. Do it every time and save hours.Tie it all together and learn the art of execution so you can spread your knowledge, educate buyers and accelerate demand for your services.

Jim EhrenbergOwner, SharePoint Pros, Inc.

I have landed 3 new clients in the last 60 days which I estimate will bring in a minimum of 6 figures in 2022! Anyone in consulting who needs to take a step back and laser focuses their marketing efforts to close profitable deals needs to talk to Faheem and follow his posts. He really knows his stuff, is a pleasure to work with, and the ROI has been far greater than I could have hoped.

Richard DohertyOwner, ScaleUp Consulting

Pam MarmonOwner, Marmon ConsultingAuthor of Amazon bestseller, “No one’s listening and it’s your fault”

Faheem is personable and professional, and he truly cares about his clients and their success. My business grew 4x during the 5 months we worked together! Faheem helped me achieve the outcomes I wanted in my business and I highly recommend him.

Here’s what past attendees have said about my events:

“There is no one on LinkedIn I owe more thanks to you than you. If I hadn’t seen your free broadcast (then I wouldn’t have landed my new gig)” – Simon J.

“I really appreciated the specific examples and sharing what you and your clients have used successfully. Thank you for providing this fantastic resource” – Mike P.

“The daily sessions had very informative and practical ways to attract and retain desired clients. This was a wealth of high-value information that was worth $1000s but was generously shared for free. Thank you again, Faheem!” – Adina C.

“Thanks, Faheem. Enjoyed the sessions. Great insights and very inspiring. I look forward to implementing your ideas and suggestions.” – Theodore B.

“Faheem, easily the most informative and actionable 5 days of information that I’ve experienced. Love your creativity!” – Julia C.

“Thanks, Faheem, it was a wonderful series. Appreciate you being open and sharing the knowledge you gained over the last many years. Looking forward to implementing it.” – Sangram K.

“Great sessions Faheem Moosa, filled with straight-to-the-point, common sense approaches, and some really useful insights and tips! Well done!” – Milap L.

Having a system to create and accelerate demand for your consulting services is a competitive advantage like none other.

You can drive 6-fig and even 7-figure revenues over time by sharing your expertise and knowledge with your ideal buyers.

I’ve been teaching this demand acceleration formula to my group and 1:1 clients for a long time.

But this is the first time I’ll be sharing this information publicly because I’ve spoken to so many consulting business owners who are looking for new ways to attract new clients and build profitable businesses.

For a very reasonable investment, you can learn my demand acceleration formula and add 5, 6, and even 7-figures to your consulting business.

What if I’m not sure what type of content to create to attract new clients?

That’s the point of the Bootcamp, to learn how to come up with content ideas that drive demand for your services.

What if I’m too busy to attend all three days?

There will be a recording available for 3 days after the Bootcamp ends.

What if I’m not ready to start creating educational content?

If you have a compelling purpose and know you can help organizations thrive, you’re ready. If you don’t have an offer ready at this moment, take advantage of the bonus training, “Create compelling consulting offerings” to create an offer prior to the Bootcamp.

What If I’m not tech savvy? Will I be able to create demand using online channels?

If you can use LinkedIn, you’re savvy enough. You will learn about other tools and channels that can be learned quickly as well.

My buyers are not online. Should I still create educational content online?

Even if you’re introduced to buyers in person, most teams will check you out online before they buy. Think about how you make decisions about hiring service providers. Where do you learn more about them? B2B buying is changing and building awareness and trust in online channels are imperative to sales.

Fast Action Bonus 1: Create Compelling Consulting Offers – Video Training

Take action now and receive a private training video (not available anywhere online) where you’ll learn a step-by-step system to:

Design laser-focused offerings that position you as the go-to consultant in your fieldStructure your offers so potential clients easily see value in themPresent your service offering as products so they’re repeatable and scalable

Without doing any of these things…

Lowering your feesSecond-guessing yourself of whether you’re designing the right offerWorrying about your competition

Fast Action Bonus 2: Priority laser coaching

When you enroll now for the Consulting Demand Acceleration Bootcamp, you’ll get first priority to receive custom support during the 3-day event. When coaching spots become available during the event, you’ll get first priority. This is your best chance to talk with me about your content ideas, samples and worksheets you fill in during the event.

Make 2023 YOUR consulting business’s year. See you on the inside.

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