⚙️ Processes
⚙️ Frameworks
⚙️ Systems
But guess what happened when I started my consulting business back in the day and tried to grow it?
My love for process was hijacked by self-doubt, fear and occasional panic.
❓”How do I land my next client?”
❓”Should I take on this new gig even if the pricing isn’t right, or do I turn the client down?”
❓”Should I create a new service offering or stick to what I have?”
❓”The economy crashed. Should I quit now?”
…were all questions I dealt with from time to time.
Building a business can be nerve-wracking. I’m not trying to say I have it all together today.
But what’s different today is that I’m far better at looking at business as a process-based activity.
I learned this along the way through constant trial and error…and by hiring coaches and mentors who encouraged me to think differently about growing a business.
I spoke about this and other topics with Daniel Gomez on his show recently.
The link to the interview is https://youtu.be/PYB6DrdPO5o[/text_block]

Key Conversations for Leaders with John Ryan

Listen in as we chat about working remotely, consulting, communication styles, tools, techniques and a whole lot more.
And especially listen around 35:00 where I share an anecdote about an interaction I had with my late father and mentor around 20 years ago…
…an interaction that taught me one of the biggest lessons in my life (which might benefit you as well).
Episode link: https://www.johnryanleadership.com/faheem-moosa/[/text_block]

The Inquisitive Analyst Show with Marcus Udokang

Do you recognize this pattern? 👇👇
🎬 You started your consulting business
➡️ Landed your first couple of client via referrals
➡️ Got really busy delivering client engagements
➡️ Did not prioritize prospecting
➡️ Started pounding the pavement for new clients once your current engagements started to ramp down
➡️ Experienced erratic revenue as a result
If you’ve experienced the above, you’re not alone.
Most consultants go through it. I did, too.
I explore this and other scenarios with Marcus Udokang on his show, The Inquisitive Analyst.
Check out the entire episode on The Inquisitive Analyst:

The B2B Founder Podcast with Brett Trainor

Does sales feel like a 4-letter word to you?
Do you feel uncomfortable about trying to “push” your services on to your prospects?
If that’s how you feel, then you’ve got the wrong idea about sales.
Brett Trainor invited me to his B2B Founder Podcast recently to talk about how I approach sales conversations.
So I walked him through my process..
When you approach sales conversations the right way and give your prospects a great buying experience, you can:
✅ Uncover the real issues and problems your prospects are facing
✅ Increase the value of the deal, and
✅ Increase your conversion rate
✅ Drive revenue faster
Links to Full Episode: https://bit.ly/3bbthT7
Links to Video and Snippets: https://bit.ly/2ZhnSEA[/text_block]

BA BLOCKS Podcast with Emal Bariali

Emal B. and I discuss this topic on the BA BLOCKS podcast.
The podcast caters to Business Analysts but most of what we discussed is applicable to anyone interested in transitioning into consulting.
We covered the following topics:
✅ 1:20 The current state of consulting given the pandemic we’re dealing with right now.
✅ 9:16 What are some of the benefits of becoming a consultant over keeping a full-time perm role?
✅ 12:33 How does a person actually know that they are ready to get into consulting?
✅ 14:50 An example of how an oracle functional analyst could move into a consulting role.
✅ 16:20 How to make the transition into consulting.
✅ 21:40 Are there any other major difficulties that business analysts could face when trying to make the switch into consulting?
✅ 26:04 Becoming a consultant is like building a small business with a lot of business infrastructure that you need to consider.
Link to the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G8Ktvg-19I&feature=youtu.be[/text_block]

Business Talk Library with Terrell A Turner

In the clip below I share one of my favourite business tips that I share with others…
…and constantly keep reminding myself of, too.
We also discuss:
👉 The first SYSTEM you need to introduce in your consulting business to kickstart growth 🚀
👉 Big mistakes consultants make with respect to cash and time management ⌛
👉 The funny story about how I accidentally stumbled into consulting 😁
👉 And a lot more…
Check out the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB4ybS2qKMs&feature=youtu.be[/text_block]

The Unpolished MBA Podcast with Monique Mills

Check out our conversation in which we talk about a host of topics, including:
👉 How my 120+ year old family business influenced me and what you can learn from it
👉 The early days of my management consulting business and the challenges I faced (and which you can avoid)
👉 Key capabilities consulting business owners need to grow their business
👉 …and a lot more.
Check out the episode here: https://anchor.fm/unpolishedmba/episodes/Episode-006-Born-Into-Entrepreneurship-eioa63[/text_block]

The Marketing and Sales Toolkit with Drish Israni

We talked about Digital Brand Communication for business consultants and touched on the following:
🚀 How to clearly demonstrate ROI to your prospects before a sale
🚀 The keys to articulating your brand message
🚀 Why consultants should consider using more video (and how I execute my video strategy here on #linkedin)
**Make sure you check out 9:00 in the video – I share with you arguably the greatest benefit of video marketing**
🚀 The best way consultants can differentiate themselves from the competition
🚀 And a lot more…
Check out the video and text interview in the article below: