3 Steps to Stop Charging by the Hour and Charge Value-based Fees

As a B2B consultant, do you feel you should charge way higher fees than you are charging now, but end up accepting lower, hourly fees because you don’t think clients would pay based on value?

Here’s what you can do to stop charging by the hour and increase your consulting fees in an ethical and transparent way…and land more clients.

If you like the video, let me know in the comments

And hey…if you’re looking for more clients fast (30 days or less) for your B2B Consulting business, check out my previous blog post, “Proven Lead Generation Channels to Land Your Next Client in 30 Days”

Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image: in.pinterest.com/pin/333547916131460710/