Are Focus and Specialization Necessary for Consultants?

Do consulting business owners need to focus and specialize?

Not always.
It depends on their goals and where they’re at in their business.

For many people, consulting is a stop-gap measure and that’s totally fine.

Maybe you’re building a software product and consult on the side.

Or you’re semi-retired and do a bit of consulting because you enjoy it.

Or you’re just starting out and offer many services to test and get a feel of the market before deciding if consulting is for you.

In such cases, deep specialization doesn’t matter so much. Relationships matter more, because that’s how you’ll likely land clients.

So you can still find success and make money without focus.

But the mistake many consultants make is when they taste success without specialization early on…

…then decide they want to grow their practice but feel they can use the same model to do so.

I see it all the time, all over their websites. Offering 18 different services just because they’ve dabbled in them early on in their business.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work and leads to confusion, feast and famine, depleting bank accounts…and stress.

To have dream clients seek you out, command higher fees and grow sustainably…

…there’s no escaping focus and deep specialization.

Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

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