B2B Consultants: See LinkedIn for What It Truly Is

Most consulting business owners I know who use LinkedIn for sales are doing it wrong.

Consider this: 

For as long as the consulting industry has existed, there have been two key ways to land new clients: 

⭐ Relationships / Warm introductions / Referrals
⭐ Content (Books, articles, seminars, etc.)

These are proven approaches that are responsible for building independent practices, boutique firms and even billion-dollar consulting organizations.

Yet when it comes to LinkedIn, most consulting business owners think the principles have changed. 

They connect with people, pitch their services or “a quick call” and magically think they’re going to land new clients. 

But the truth is…

Those old principles of landing new clients are intact even today. You just need to apply them to new media such as LinkedIn. 

And here’s the cool thing: 

LinkedIn is a: 

✅ Networking event
✅ Conference
✅ Speaking engagement
✅ Trade publication
✅ Trade show

…all rolled into one.

The best part? You don’t need anyone’s permission to start sharing your knowledge and creating useful content. The right content served to the right audience helps you build new relationships. Relationships that can ultimately help you land new clients. 

Remember: technology may change fast, but principles don’t. 

Check out the video below  👇👇👇

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Miratel Solutions