Follow Up With Consulting Buyers With Out Being A Pest

Consultant, you have an initial conversation with a potential client but they’re not ready to buy now. How do you follow up?

The worst thing you can do to yourself as a consultant/expert/advisor is to look desperate for the sale by saying things like:

❌ “Hi X, is now the right time?”

❌ “Just thought I’d follow up about your decision…”

❌ “Per our previous conversation, you said you may be ready in November, so…”

People generally don’t buy from desperate salespeople. In consulting, they definitely won’t buy if they sniff neediness or desperation.

When you’re an expert in your domain and are dealing with C-level or senior buyers selling 6+ figure deals, you want them coming to you. You want them to WANT to work with you.

But does that mean you don’t follow up or build relationships and simply wait for them to come to you?

No. After an initial discovery conversation, you need to find ways to build a relationship especially if they’re not yet ready to move forward.

Here are a few ideas:

👉 Invite them to an event you’re hosting. 

👉 Share a tool that could be relevant to them. E.g. a hiring strategy tool or inventory carrying cost calculator. 

👉 Share an infographic with research or a process that is relevant to them. 

👉 Other content – video, a recent article, a 3rd party article, a replay of a webinar you did, a summary of a transcript of a podcast with specific parts highlighted that’s relevant to them. 

👉 Introduce them to a new resource: a prospect, a vendor or a new hire.

👉 Show them a list of relevant connections you have on LI. Offer to make introductions. 

👉 Invite them to a custom live session. “If you’re stuck on an initiative, let’s get you unstuck”

There’s no guarantee they’ll respond or take you up on your offer. But that’s not the point. You do it anyway with an intent to serve and bring value to them. Buyers who see value in your approach will engage back when the time is right.

So, build your pipeline, move conversations forward, build relationships and close new deals.

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Wikigallery