How To Communicate the ROI of Your B2B Consulting Services…and Win High-Paying Clients Fast

Are you a business consultant specializing in strategy, operations, marketing, HR, etc? If you’re a consultant or freelancer selling to organizations, then this is for you.

Clients don’t care about your fancy degrees, your experience or your cool new website…

They only care about their own results.

If you can deliver results and provide a return on their investment, you’ll go far as a business consultant.

In the previous post I shared a video about the biggest marketing mistake consultants make and what they can do about it (Hint: It starts with a ‘V’).

In this video, I build on the previous one and show you how you can have a meaningful “ROI conversation” with potential clients so they hire you fast and pay you what you’re really worth.

Like what you see/hear? Tell me in the comments! And share the post, please.

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Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image: Jo Mari Montesa/