Live Event: Consulting Sales Boost: Fall Planning Workshop

If you’re selling consulting services to organizations but don’t have a plan to take advantage of the buying window starting September, you probably should.

Why is September or the start of the Fall season significant for B2B consulting demand?

It’s the end of the summer and people have more time to focus on work. Budgets for next year are being allocated. As orgs start planning for the new year, buyers envision good things and are generally optimistic.

To take advantage of this precious buying window in B2B consulting, join me for a 60-min workshop to uncover hidden sales opportunities, thought leadership strategies and more.

The last time I led this workshop, some participants generated 12-14 leads within 60 mins. This time maybe it’s you.

So come. Register below.

πŸ‘‰ WHAT: Consulting Sales Boost: Fall Planning Workshop
πŸ‘‰ WHEN: August 31, 2023 @ 12pm Eastern / 9am Pacific
πŸ‘‰ WHERE: Zoom. Join the Consulting Growth Hour community.

See you there πŸ”₯


Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: JDawnInk Getty Images