Best Type of Content to Attract C-level Consulting Buyers From Mid-to-large Organizations

How do you attract C-level consulting buyers from mid-to-large organizations if you don’t have a referral in?

Through thought leadership, of course. Your unique perspective combined with helpful approaches to solve their problems.

But what’s the best approach to distributing your content so you increase your chances of landing meetings with C-level buyers?

I wish I could say it was LinkedIn. The problem with LinkedIn is that not too many mid-to-large C-level buyers hang out here, as far as I know. They might pop in and out sporadically but that’s not enough to create and build trust with them, especially if your goal is to build a sustained sales pipeline.

The best approach I’ve seen to distributing your content  is  this: speaking at third party events.

These could be:

✅ Conferences

✅ Industry association seminars

✅ Virtual events hosted by recognized brands

✅ Small, member-only groups with

C-level members C-levels like to get as much peer interaction as possible outside the workplace, so distribute your content where they hang out with each other.

Speaking is better than writing because you can connect better with your audience. They see you and hear you.

Writing + speaking? That is super powerful. No wonder you see expert-authors who speak throughout the year to stay top of mind.

If you feel you’re not there yet to write books and hit the stage, no problem. Make it your stretch goal and create a plan to get there.

It’ll do your consulting business a world of good.

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: MetaLearn