How to Create Content that Attracts Sales Opportunities

How do you ensure your content attracts new consulting opportunities? Here’s the secret:

Build a case for change.

You need to engage with the 97% of your audience who are at different stages of their buying journey. These potential buyers are not in the market to buy consulting today, because of various reasons such as:

– They many not recognise they have a problem.
– They think their current solution/vendor is the best one.
– They may be trying a DIY solution.
– They may be dealing with other pressing priorities.

Moreover, consulting isn’t typically budgeted for; executives don’t wake up thinking they need a consultant.

If their printer breaks, they’ll buy a new one. But with business problems, their first thought is often, “How do I solve this with my current team?” They’re not jumping to, “Let’s bring in a consulting firm.” Many think they’re managing just fine, even if their processes are flawed.

Your job as a content creator? Build a case for change. Show them why they need to think about their problems differently.

Explain why an external perspective is valuable. Help them see the benefits of fresh, outside eyes on their issues.

So, get out there and create content that convinces them to rethink their approach. 🌟

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Dalle-3