Need time for marketing? Find the fat in client work.

Consultant, as your company’s founder, you need to participate in marketing activities to win new clients.

But how do you find the time? 👇

As a consultant with demanding clients, you invariably put marketing on the back burner.

[Btw, I define marketing as all activities that help you generate demand, i.e. market planning, customer research, creating compelling offers, messaging & communication, outreach, thought leadership and prospecting, among others].

I get it. It sounds like lot of work and you’re busy serving clients.

But are you, really?

Think about it. A big chunk of your “client delivery” time is likely spent on administrative and project management-related work, such as:

👉 Project planning and budgeting
👉 Routine client communication such as project updates
👉 Organizing and scheduling appointments with external stakeholders (like client’s team or partners).
👉 Internal team meetings
👉 Admin or project software/tools setup and management

Think about how you organize your client delivery work and find out where you can save time. There is a lot of fat that can be found in project management and admin tasks that are passed off as “client delivery work”.

If you find yourself too overwhelmed with such activities, it’s time to consider bringing in an Analyst, Associate or even Project Manager to take on some of these activities. You can then focus on deep delivery work and create more time for marketing, which will drive your business forward.


Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: RescueTime Kevin