Taking LinkedIn Tactics Offline: The Results

I decided to take popular LinkedIn prospecting habits out into the real world, just to see what would happen if I applied the same techniques.

So now, whenever I meet someone for the first time – whether it’s at a networking event, a conference, or waiting in line at the grocery store – I skip the introductions and jump straight to asking if they have 15 minutes to discuss how I can transform their life. Nothing like getting down to business right away.

I also start showing up at other people’s events, stealing their attendee list, and spamming everyone, asking if they’d like to buy from me. I know they don’t know me, but who cares?

When I see strangers I want to impress, I’ll give them a thumbs up and endorse them for “Python programming” or “Technical procurement”, even though I have no idea how good they are at these things. Who needs to know specifics when you’re this supportive?

And when I hear people talking, I just drop pre-written, generic comments like, “Great point!” and walk away. It doesn’t matter what they’re discussing; the important thing is that I engage.

It’s amazing how much attention these tactics get me. Just in the past week, I’ve already attracted four new inbound leads: two security guards, a police officer, and a psychiatrist.

LinkedIn tactics work, I guess. 🤷‍♂️

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Dalle-3