The First Step in Creating Repeatable and Scalable Consulting Offerings

When you start a consulting business, referrals typically drive your business.

Referrals are always great, but if you’re not careful you can end up doing different types of projects for different types of clients.

Here’s how that can affect you.

Creating new frameworks and content for each engagement can be time-consuming and exhausting.

Plus your fee structure wildly varies, making you leave money on the table.

If this is you, what can you do to grow the business from here?

The answer: Build repeatable and scalable offerings.

So how do you do that?

There are many things that go into creating such offerings, but here’s the first step.

Pick a specific problem to solve.

Think about it, products you can touch and feel are typically repeatable and scalable… not just because they’re standard but because they are made to solve a specific problem or need.

You purchase a pair of skis because they help you go down a mountain smoothly… and prevent you from tumbling down.

Intangible services need to be thought of this way as well in order to be repeatable and scalable.

And once they are, your marketing becomes simpler, revenue and profitability improve and you can end up with a lot more free time.

Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Nuno Gonsalves | Saatchi Art