The “ROADMAP” to Consulting Growth

How do you start a consulting engagement so it doesn’t end as a one-off? Read this before watching the vid 👇

First, even before you start the engagement, make sure you have a transformational offer. More about this in this post:

Second, your transformational offer in most cases must start with a “discovery engagement”, which can be an audit, assessment, evaluation, etc. More on discovery engagements here:

Third, the outcome of the discovery engagement should offer deep insights about what the client can and must do to achieve their desired outcome (for which you’ve been hired).

When I ran my consulting firm, the outcome of almost every single discovery engagement was a 3-6 month “roadmap.”

A roadmap at this stage is nothing but a high-level plan. Offering a roadmap designed after a thoughtful assessment does several things:

✅ It provides clear direction to the client about what is to be done to achieve their desired outcome.

✅ It gets client stakeholders excited and on the same page (alignment).

✅ It sets you – the advisor – up for the next phase of the engagement. You are the incumbent (and preferred) advisor that will lead them to their desired outcome.

Consulting growth is not just about landing new clients. It’s knowing how to offer and solve costly problems that not only benefit your client but also allows you generate cash flow and profit in the mid-to-long run.

Check out the video below for more on discovery engagement roadmaps 👇👇

Also, LMK in the comment how you start client engagements. Would love to learn how you do it.

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Melinda Parrie