LIVE: Pricing Consulting Services for Profitability

As an independent consultant or boutique owner, do you ever struggle to determine the right fee for your services? Do you find yourself quoting lower rates just to win the business, even if it means sacrificing profitability?

Many consultants make the mistake of undervaluing their expertise, leading to burnout, resentment, and ultimately, an unsustainable business.

The truth is, your time and knowledge are worth far more than you’re likely charging. When you undercharge, you deprive yourself of the income you deserve and limit your ability to deliver high-quality work. Not only that, but low pricing can actually hurt your credibility and make clients question the true value you provide.

In this 60-min session, I’ll share strategies to help you price your consulting services for maximum profitability. You’ll learn how to:

🎯 Take the long view on pricing and use it to grow your practice
🎯 Change the conversation around your worth so prospects see you differently
🎯 Develop marketing strategies that account for your expertise and perceived value

Don’t leave money on the table. Join LIVE (no public replays) to discover how to get paid what you’re worth and build a thriving, sustainable consulting business.

📕 WHAT: Pricing Consulting Services for Profitability: What to Charge and How to Get it
🗓 WHEN: April 11, 2024 @ 12pm Eastern / 9am Pacific (US & Canada time)
🖥 WHERE: Zoom ➡ register here:


Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: JDawnInk Getty Images