Why Buyers Don’t Buy From You (And How To Fix It)

Ever felt like you’re doing everything right as a consultant – your experience and expertise are solid, your proposals well-written – but somehow, you’re not landing new clients?

It’s super frustrating, right? 😫

You’re not alone. I’ve worked with many consultants in this exact position, wondering what they could be doing wrong.

⭐ One client, an incredibly skilled management consultant, was stuck in a rut, struggling to land big contracts. After a few strategic adjustments, they secured $350k in new deals within a few months. Another, a capital markets consultant, went from hearing crickets to landing two multi-6 figure deals within 10 months after we addressed some key issues. And an IT consultant I worked with transformed their approach and locked in $200k in new revenue within a year.

These aren’t just numbers; they’re real stories of transformation. The shift wasn’t about offering something radically different – it was about understanding why buyers weren’t biting. And the reasons were much deeper than the obvious ones.

In this upcoming 60-minute event, I’ll share the 5 real reasons why buyers aren’t purchasing your consulting services. We’ll break down the subtle, often overlooked factors standing in your way – and what you can do to overcome them.

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start closing the deals you deserve, I’d love for you to join us. 👇

📕 WHAT: Why Buyers Don’t Buy From You (And How to Fix It)
🗓 WHEN: Thursday, Sept 5 @ 12pm Eastern | 9am Pacific
🖥 WHERE: Zoom (register here: https://lnkd.in/gxvFBqJ8)

I’m Faheem Moosa, a former management consultant based in Toronto, Canada. I’ve helped former consultants from stellar institutions such as Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Kearney, Deloitte, IBM, KPMG and EY among others to build a pipeline of marquee clients and grow their practices. Prior to starting my management consulting business in 2009, I worked at one of Canada’s top boutique strategy consultancies serving Fortune 100 clients such as Generali and others such as Research In Motion and Canada Post.

It’s a twice-monthly event series and community in which I break down key sales and marketing concepts for consulting business owners. Learn how to prospect the right way in 2024, attract dream clients and build your business the way you see fit. Come join! (register here: https://lnkd.in/gxvFBqJ8)

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: JDawnInk Getty Images