A Consultant’s Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge many consultants face while building a consulting business is not the lack of a sales pipeline.

It’s not the economy or selling during a pandemic.

It’s not even the lack of a viable business model.And it’s not the fact that they’re not a part of the right old boy networks.

The biggest challenge many consultants face is this: dealing with self-doubt.

Everyone’s faces self-doubt; it’s natural to do so.

But managing its triggers can be hard, especially if you’ve started your consulting business recently.

I’m talking about things like:

❓Comparing yourself to your former corporate colleagues who are making a whole lot more money than you are.
❓Skipping that extra vacation you used to take.
❓Having uncomfortable conversations with your spouse about cash flow.
❓Hearing “No” repeatedly from prospects.

All of the above can make you doubt yourself.

So what should you do about it?

Start with these:

✅ Remind yourself why you started your consulting business. What problem did you set out to solve and what’s your vision for your business and life?
✅ Get the education and mentorship you need to win.
✅ Share your plans openly with your spouse/family so expectations are clear.
✅ Have faith and execute.

Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

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