Do This Simple Thing to Build Awareness and Land Your Next Consulting Client

Building awareness for your B2B consulting business is not all about this:

❌ Shouting from the rooftops and creating mass marketing campaigns.

The thought of marketing and promotion causes many consultants to squirm and look the other way.

Most of them simply don’t have the time or know what type of marketing is effective.

Moreover, they think marketing and promotion work best when campaigns reach thousands of prospective buyers.

There is a time and place to go big, but if you’re starting to build awareness or simply looking for your next client, you don’t necessarily have to look at marketing as a “mass” activity.

Check out this video where I share a simple tactic you can start using today to build awareness and land your next client.

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Leah Larisa Bunshaft DIZLARKA