How To Deal With A Sales Slump

if you’re in a sales slump this could be the reason why 👇

If you’ve got a proven service offering (i.e. you’ve gotten paid for your services before) and you’re still struggling with sales, your problem could be one of simple math.

It’s possible you haven’t worked out how many prospective customers you need to reach to land one signed contract.

How many conversations do you need with prospective buyers to reach your sales goal?

For example,

If you convert 1 out of every 3 qualified buyers, and
If 10 introductory conversations lead to 3 qualified buyers, and
For every 2 people you initiate a conversation with, 1 agrees to speak with you…

then you need to initiate 20 conversations to land 1 client.

I don’t mean to make client attraction too simplistic, but all things being equal, this could be why you’re struggling.

Check out the video and if you like it, repost it to your network â™» Thanks!

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Image credit: Dalle-3