Too Many Short-Term and Customized Engagements? Watch This

Consultant / Fractional executive, how many different types of projects are you working on? Does this resonate 👇

👉 You solve many different types of problems for different types of clients.

👉 Your engagements are mostly short-term and highly customised for each client.

👉 You aren’t sure how to price new engagements because every engagement is different, so you end up pricing by the hour and limiting your growth.

If this is you, check out the video below. It might be time to consider creating repeatable and scalable offerings. You do this by recognising a key market problem and delivering outcomes clients want and will pay high fees for.

Check out the video for more and if you need more info, let me know below and I’ll send you a 60-min masterclass on how to create repeatable and scalable consulting offerings 👇

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Dalle-3