Consultant, is your income dependent on 1-2 major clients? What if one of them leaves? 💣
Or cuts their budget? ✂️
What can you do to land a new client fast to replace the lost income?
There’s no straight answer as it depends on several factors, but here’s what you can try:
👉 First, get clear on the buying process. Which senior-level roles are usually involved in making a decision to hire consultants (for e.g. for an IT project, the CIO may be the sponsor but the VP or Director may have a major say. It’s different across organizations, so map out what’s relevant to you.
👉 Second, find out who has joined these roles in the past 90 days in your ideal/dream client companies. This could be someone you know or worked with in the past or someone completely new.
When your ideal client/buyer is hired into a new role, it could signal a buying event. Think about it – executives with decision-making authority are likely hired to change something and/or to achieve new objectives.
They usually bring in vendors they know into the organization or start to build new vendor relationships, so it’s a great time to activate conversations.
✳️ PRO TIP: Use Sales Navigator to search for your ICP (ideal client profile) and then filter for those that have joined their roles in the last 90 days. This trigger is relevant to virtually all types of consulting.(Note: Please don’t connect with them and pitch out of the blue. That’s the best way to be ignored!).
If you’re stressed right now, then it’s time to drum up a few relevant conversations with in-market buyers. Let’s go! 🔥⚡
Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.
Image credit: Great Big Canvas