Know, Like, Trust, BUY?


Everyone says “People buy from those they know, like and trust.”

But I think it’s incomplete. Here’s my take…
People buy from those they know, like and trust, until…

…someone else comes along with a better OFFER.

Even though people knew, liked and trusted their neighbourhood retailers…

…they switched to Walmart because it had better offers.

Even though people liked quaint bookstores and trusted their bibliophile owners, they switched to Amazon because of it’s superior offer.

A superior offer is almost always going to be a bigger competitive advantage than the “know, like and trust” factor.

When I say “offer”, I don’t mean a discount or deal.

Your offer is what you deliver to the client to take them from their pain to their desired outcome.

Too many consultants focus more on seeking referrals than on sharpening their offer.

They think the game is all about seeking referrals because it puts them in the “know, like and trust” zone with prospects.

Sure, prospects who you’re referred to may like and trust you…

…but they won’t buy from you unless you have an offer that can deliver results they want.

To learn how to create an irresistible consulting offer, go to:

Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Art Ranked Discovery Engine