What Makes A Perfect Consulting Buyer?

Who is a perfect consulting buyer?

Read this 👇

A perfect consulting buyer, or a qualified buyer:

⭐ Has an urgent need to solve a costly problem. There is a deadline they need to meet to solve the problem.

⭐ Has funds allocated for hiring a consultant, or they have the ability to reallocate their budget and find the money.

⭐ Understands the value of consulting and is not having internal “in-house vs. outsource” debates with their team.

⭐ Is aligned with you on your point of view on how to solve the problem.

⭐ Knows, likes and trusts you.

Imagine engaging only with such buyers. What will that do for your business?

Qualified consulting buyers close deals faster, pay more and keep you around longer so you’re more profitable and secure.

But here’s the thing:

Qualified buyers are not born out of thin air. ❌

They are created by consultants who 𝘨𝘦𝘵 it, through relentless market education, genuine community-building and pure persistence.

Who is a perfect consulting buyer? What did I miss?  👇

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Image credit: Radial Symmetry by Alternate Deviant