The Root Cause of Low Consulting Fees
Consultant, Do you sometimes take on clients for lower-than-usual fees just because you want their business?
Consultant, Do you sometimes take on clients for lower-than-usual fees just because you want their business?
Here’s something to be very mindful of as you build your consulting business.
Consultant, Do you depend on one major client and feel you’re not getting paid enough?
Consultant, What’s more frustrating than not landing clients?
Consultant, Want to know one of the biggest mistakes I see consultants make while picking their target market?
What does “brand” mean for consultants? What must consultants do in order to build their brand and command high fees?
Consultant, Many, many consultants make this mistake…which ultimately prevents them from increasing their fees.
Consultant, In order to increase your fees, specialize. But there’s more to commanding high fees that just specialization.
Consultant, What if you encounter price resistance even though your offerings pack tremendous value?
Are you a business consultant specializing in strategy, operations, marketing, HR, etc? If you’re a consultant or freelancer selling to organizations, then this is for