Is fear of rejection stopping you from posting content in which you’re speaking in front of a camera?
If it is, it’s pretty normal. Almost everyone faces it. I did, too.
Not every business owner needs to create videos of themselves and distribute them to their audience to be successful.
But if you’re in professional services, creating videos is a must if you want to stand out.
Professional services is a high-touch, face-to-face business. When clients hire you, they know they’re going to be dealing with you personally for a while.
If you don’t create connection and affinity, you likely will be passed up for someone else even if your expertise is superior.
In a industry that’s increasingly operating in a virtual environment, the best way to create connection and affinity is by sharing your knowledge via video.
Once your audience knows you, it helps to speed the deal along when they’re ready to buy.
But if you’re hesitant to post video because you’re afraid of rejection, there’s something else you can do. Watch the clip below to find out 👇👇👇
This is Part 3 of my daily, 5-part series on must-have skills for consulting business owners.
Ready to Land $100k+ clients consistently without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.
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