Protect Your Consulting Business By Doing This

Here’s the silver lining for your consulting business in the face of geopolitical tensions, rising inflation and an energy crisis: 

It gives rise to new problems for organizations. 

New problems means organizations need to find new ways to navigate those problems. 

As a consultant or advisor to organizations, this is your cue. 

To build affinity and trust with your audience, you must learn about new problems they’re facing, weave those insights into your content, create new solutions or offerings if necessary and communicate them to the market. 

Most business owners I’ve come across don’t do this during times of change and transition and simply rely on their existing understanding of their audience. 

But the ones who do this well are the ones who build an edge for themselves and their business. They stay close to clients, remain nimble and constantly evolve. 

It takes a fair bit of business acumen and marketing savvy to operate this way. Most importantly, it takes discipline especially because you’re already dealing with client engagements which are a priority. 

It helps if you form a peer group that meets regularly and supports each other. It also helps if you find those who are ahead of you in building a consulting business so you can learn from them. This gives your business an added layer of protection.

🔥 ➡️ If you don’t have a group like this so far, consider joining the free Consulting Growth Hour community. We meet every two weeks and you learn a new topic related to consulting growth. Details here:

Ready to add $100k-$500k revenue to your consulting business in 12 months or less without burning out? Schedule a call and let me show you how.

Image credit: Kelly Simpson-Hagen